Monday 4 September 2023


Dear Sir/Ma,

My name is Abdul Kareem from Zamfara State of Nigeria.

I am writing to inquire if your company can be our oversea Natural Gold sales representative. From our mining capacity here in Zamfara, we can supply over 200kg every month. I don’t know the purity required in your country, here in Zamfara our purity is 99.9%, Let me hear from you soon

I have included our exploration link to this email. tbm=isch&chips=q:zamfara+gold+mining+site,online_chips:mining+activities:ukFGlzzp0cs%3D&rlz=1C1GCEA_enNG1071NG1071&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9u_rz8POAAxVKnCcCHQMEBykQ4lYoBXoECAEQPg&biw=1263&bih=603


Abdul Kareem

Email :